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Simple Explanation of Algorithmic Design and Data Structures

  Searching algorithms perform the function of comparing two values and a desired value in order to find the position of the desired value.  The two main algorithms that perform this task is linear search and binary search.  Linear search is the most basic of searches, checking each item until the desired item is located (Rajinikanth, B 2022).  When using linear search on average it will take searching half the list to find the position of the desired item.  Binary search is a lot more efficient than linear search.  It relies on elements of the list being sorted already, then smaller sub lists are searched.  It starts with the entire list and checks the middle element, halving the list each time.  Then the item is found the search stops. There is a long list of different sorting algorithms, selection sort, merge sort, bubble sort, quick sort, and shell sort, and insertion sort to name a few.  in order to complete selection sort the algorithm ...

Getting Started with Object Oriented Programming

When getting started with Object Oriented Programming it is important to familiarize yourself with the four major principles of OOP and the concepts.  Understanding the principles and concepts of OOP will assist you during the process of writing and developing code.  First the four major principles of OOP are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Encapsulation is hiding daya implementation by restricting access.  This is when an object can maintain its state private within a class. Abstraction and encapsulation are closely tied together because data abstraction is the the development of classes.  Abstraction is used to manage complexity.  Abstraction can be used to decompose complex systems into smaller components making them more manageable.  Abstraction also makes it possible for objects to reveal operations relevant for other objects. Inheritance allows you to inherit functionality from another class, called the super class or bas...

Operating System Theory and Design

      The fundamental goal of computers is to execute programs so that users can solve problems faster and easier (Silberschatz, 2014).  The operating system is the one program that is constantly running on a computer.  This is because the opeating system creates a pathway or space where other programs can be useful.  Operating systems such as Mac, Windows, and even Android for smartphones allow computers and smart phones to boot up and be useful.  Without an operating system using a computer is very difficult because th operating system is what allows hardware and applications to communicate and run programs.  The major function of the operating system is to continually run in the background so that harware and applications can be accessed and used by the user.  The operating system is a link between the memory and storage and assists with opening and using application that have been saved in the storage. Describing the process is simple, it...

Tech Topic: Programming Languages

     My technolog topic is programming languages.  Programming languages connects to fundamentals of information technology in that languages are how we were initially able to communicate with computers.  The very first being binary code of 1's and 0's, for turning on and off swithces, 1 being on and 0 being off (Lysecky, Vahid, Wheatland, 2019).  Programming languages evloved in order to enable computers to do more complex tasks.  Today there are many different programming languages that each has its purpose to complete different tasks whether it is for developing software or graphics for gaming.  Programming languages can be as simple as click and drag or more complex like writing out lines of code for functions.  This enables users to exchange information easier.     Programming languages relate to concepts of information technology and computer science as stated previously it was using for turning on and off switches in less com...

Network Security

The Information Technology world is ever changing, with more and more information being shared online through different websites and applications.  All of this information can be tracked and traced back to you.  It is always important to be aware of the information being shared due to the digital footprint being forever and ther is a lot of criminal traffic online looking for the next way to make money off the information available online.  A couple of the ways criminals can get ahold of information is through security holes or vulnerabilities, and the other is by a scam called phishing.   Security is the attempt to prevent unauthorized access to a computer system, viewing, changing, or destroying data on this computer.  This unauthorized access is call a breach of the computer system.  The comuter system has these vulnerabilities in some of the applications or operating systems that may have holes that during the developing process weren't discovered....

Information Technology in Healthcare

Information Technology has always been a part of businesses and corporation, but has become more prevalent in the last couple of decades with the importance of keeping up networking systems and the use of technology in the workplace. Information technology in the healthcare industry, specifically in the skilled nursing facility setting of healthcare.  Information technology has continued to evolve in this industry.  One of the first places I worked was still using DOS for documentation.  The function of computers in this setting are for nursing to track medications and changes in medical condition, CNA's to document levels of care provided through out the day, therapy staff requires computers for uploading documentation for billing insurance purposes.  The nursing staff uses point click care software for documenting on medical conditions and changes in plan of cares, Dr appointments and orders are also uploaded onto point click care.  Hospitals send over new ord...

PING goes the Traceroute

When learning about how internet connections are made and the simple act of a google search sends out a message requesting information.  One can perform a PING command or Traceroute command.  I tested these commands on some websites and this is what my results were below. First off the acronym PING is Packet Internet Groper.  This is command is used to test whether an IP address or domain is working correctly.  How this is done is the Ping command measures how long it takes for packets to be sent to the destination IP address and back.  This is measures in milliseconds.  When performing the Ping command on multiple packets were sent out, the ping command is still going, the average response time is 22.746 ms.  It times out for a brief period and then continues on.  The next domain was which is a japanese government website, the average time was 15.944 ms.  The last domain was which is the Australian Bureau of...