Documenting a Day and the use of Applications

 Computers use different hardware to operate such as the RAM, solid state hard drives, and graphics drives.  Along with this hardware, there is software that cand be downloaded or uploaded in orer to assst with creating reports, spreadsheets, or slideshow presentations.  The software applications that are most widely used are Word Processor, Excel, and Powerpoint.

Word Processor is used for typing up documents, letters, reports, or essays.  There are different templates that can be used such as APA, or MLA template to help make sure that writing are in the correct format.  Other templates that can be used are cover letters, resumes, and even journal entry templates.

The software application Microsoft Excel is for making spreadsheets, breaking down informaiton and making tables and calculating information within the tables using different formulas in cells.  These calculations are functions that are built into the software to assist with making computations simpler, such as dividing up how much time is spent on each task throughout the day.

PowerPoint is an application that was designed more for presentations or slideshows which can consist of text and graphics.  Powerpoint also has templates that can be used with many tools to customize a presentation.  The presentation can be set to automatically run the slideshow with animations and transitions, or it can be manually transitioned if there is a need for more time between slides for discussion.

The best and most efficient application for typing up a journal entry is Word Processor.  The journal entry can be customized with fonts and font sizes, using bold, underlining, or italics to emphasize different events.

Each of these software applications have their own functions to present information in whether it be intext with word processor, a spreadsheet with itemized information in tables, or a slideshow with graphics to present information.


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